11 2022

Profits from mining rights exceed 10 billion

Along the Yangtze River shoreline, the damaged mountain was repaired and covered with green clothes. The abandoned mine was built, combined with local characteristics, and turned into a leisure park with tourists. Once the machine roar, dusty mining site, after the "fully closed no dead Angle" management and intelligent construction, to achieve safe, green and efficient mining

It has become a highlight of "building an important node city of the Yangtze River Economic Belt with high standards".

In the work, the natural resources department of Jiujiang constantly strengthened planning control, daily monitoring, restoration and management, and the order of mining development became more standardized. The concept of green development will be integrated into the whole process of the preparation and implementation of the General Plan for Mineral Resources of Jiujiang City (2021-2025), and the layout and control role of the Plan in time and space will be given full play.

900,000 yuan has been invested in the construction of a three-dimensional comprehensive supervision platform to create a "smart mine" management information platform that integrates mine supervision, environmental monitoring and vehicle transportation monitoring of mineral products, providing a basis for relevant departments to make timely and effective decisions. The hundred-percentage system was adopted to score the certified mines in production, which further consolidated the main responsibility of the mining enterprises to fulfill the ecological environmental obligations and the regulatory responsibility of the departments. The practice was highly praised by the provincial Department of Natural Resources and required all localities to refer to and implement it.

At the same time, adhering to the "in accordance with local conditions, scientific governance, good policies, pay attention to efficiency", with the most determined attitude, the strictest standards to speed up the rehabilitation and treatment of mines. Under the direction of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the restoration of abandoned open-pit mines in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of Jiujiang has been basically completed, and the ecological restoration of abandoned mines in the whole city has been nearly 90% completed. The restoration of damaged mountains along the Yangtze River has achieved remarkable results. In December 2020, the provincial territorial ecological restoration field conference was held in Jiujiang. The provincial government leaders highly recognized the work of Jiujiang and pointed out at the conference that the territorial ecological restoration work of Jiujiang City has "typical significance, exemplary role and promoting effect".

In recent years, the Jiujiang Bureau of Natural Resources, together with the public security and procuratorate, has continuously carried out the order control and rectification action of mineral exploration and development, effectively cracked down on the illegal behaviors in the mineral resources field, put an end to the situation of "scattered, small and disorderly" mining development, further optimized the business environment and improved the credibility of the government. Ruichang City "net mine" transfer experience by the Ministry of Natural Resources affirmed, the relevant experience practices in the national promotion.

In the actual work, it constantly explores new models of net mining, and summarizes the Jiujiang Model of "12345", one model: open transfer of net mining rights; Two objectives: the mining owners "carry their bags and settle in" to maximize the value of mineral resources; Three high push: high push, high standard design, high added value; Four principles: meet the planning, not overburden, scientific site selection, disposal in place; Five requirements: procedures should be standardized, disposal should be transparent, publicity should be in place, responsibility should be compacted, and safeguards should be strong.

In recent years, 6 counties have carried out the net transfer of mining rights, and 14 of them have transferred mining rights, realizing the income of 11.0767 billion yuan, improving the economic benefits of resource development, ensuring that state-owned assets are not lost, and exploring a sustainable utilization mode for the appreciation and preservation of natural resource assets owned by the whole people.

The mine environment is ecological, striving to achieve "one mine, one policy, one mine, one scene". Strict operation standards, Pengze County to all mining enterprises in strict accordance with the road hardening, storage yard hardening, equipment closure, storage yard closure, filtration facilities construction, equipment spraying, vehicle three-dimensional spraying "seven hundred percent" standard assessment management, the five meteorological parameters, dust, noise real-time online monitoring; Innovative transportation control, vigorously implement the "five limits, one ban" comprehensive management system of "limit driving, limit loading, limit limit, limit speed, limit time, prohibit splashing"; To realize the integration of mining landscape and establish the "seven one" mining environmental standards, that is, each mine should build a test field, an orchard, a park, an ecological parking lot, an ecological public toilet, an environmental protection gas station, a standard repair factory.

Scientific mining methods, to achieve "mining, governance, green side". Invite professional institutions to scientifically work out ecological restoration plans for mines. An orderly entry and exit mechanism for open-pit quarries has been established, requiring all mining enterprises to realize environmentally friendly mining, clean processing and dust-free transportation. Law enforcement and inspections have been carried out on a regular basis to effectively curb illegal mining and quarrying.

Management information digitization, the use of modern scientific and technological means of mining management. Comprehensive management upgrade, the implementation of "sorting, rectification, cleaning, cleaning, literacy, safety" 6S management system, the establishment of a set of "transport management system, loadometer information system, environmental online monitoring system, mining monitoring system" in one of the mine intelligent digital management platform.

Yanjiang county (city) actively carried out the ore wharf renovation, led by the government and participated by enterprises, and jointly promoted the corridor transportation construction and other measures. After the treatment and renovation, Jiujiang illegal wharf renovation and improvement work was completed completely, further refreshing the "appearance level" of Jiujiang waterfront.

Pengze County, Ruichang City is an important source of sand and stone aggregate along the Yangtze River, sand and stone aggregate and other mineral products down the river transport scale is huge. In order to promote the high quality development of the mining economy in the two places, optimize the ecological environment around the mine, and change the environmental and safety risks brought by the traditional ore transportation mode, both places are actively planning and distributing the corridor transportation of mineral products.

Jiangxi Hongtai Logistics Co., Ltd. invested 1.3 billion yuan to construct a 24km pipe belt conveyor, which adopts double-line transportation with an annual conveying capacity of 20 million tons and a conveying capacity of 5200 tons per hour. The project adopts German KOCH technology, adopts fully intelligent material conveying and fully closed treatment, and realizes zero dust emission. Can effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions of 3000 tons per year, reduce the damage to land resources and ecological environment.

In the next step, Jiujiang Natural Resources Department will continue to perform the duties of "two unification", improve the position, innovate measures, speed up ecological restoration, accelerate the pace of green mine construction, and strive to achieve the new goals of green mining development of Jiujiang City, including scientific utilization of mineral resources, reasonable mining methods, standardized enterprise management and good ecological protection.

Label: Trade News

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